Making Steam make steam using lights in a particle emitter.
Electrical Effect animated shader Cripeman uses the marble shader and Aura to build an animated electrical effect, the type often seen in damaged fluorescent or neon tubes.
Birds in Trees Surface Replicator and 3D Paint adds a family of little birds to a Carrara tree.
String Lights On a Christmas Tree Cripeman adds a strand of lights to his Christmas Tree using the Spiral Tool and a Surface Replicator. He finishes with a postrender effect on the lights called Cross Screen.
Making A Christmas Tree Using the Plant Modeler How to make a tree from scratch.
model & rig a figure in Carrara, use it in iClone 3dxchange5 allows retargetting of bones to use iClone iMotions. here is a very simple model making and rigging tutorial using the metaball modeler in Carrara, and how to bring it into iClone as a non-standard iAvatar.
Démo d’un rig facile dans Carrara avec orientations Démo d'un rig facile dans Carrara avec orientations
Démonstration de l’utilisation de puppeteer et carrara Démonstration de l'utilisation de puppeteer et carrara pour animer des personnages
Create Specular Skin Effects in CARRARA 7-minute tutorial shows how to make human skin look more realistic in CARRARA. Introduction to HIGHLIGHT and SHININESS in the Shader Room.
Neon Using Anything Glows How to make neon using text and Anything Glows and the Spline Modeler.