Low Poly People Mass Walk Loops Tutorial

Low Poly People Mass Walk Loops Tutorial

ScifiFunk creates a dense city street scene with 132 low poly characters!

How to create walk loops for lots of low poly people, with separate walk loops so that they DON’T look like an army of robots. more info like http://www.facebook.com/scififunk

See earlier tutorials on how to create the people and get the walk loops for free.

Now it’s time to put them all in a scene. This is tricky as you’ll be pushing your software to the max (unless it’s been rewritten for 64bit in every internal routine (which I doubt)).

Anyway I organize the figures into columns and use a mixture of replicators to achieve a reasonably realistic effect.

I then go on to talk about the kind of things which might crash the software, and how to avoid.

In part 2, I look into signs that the scene file is becoming so big that Carrara will regularly crash. This is obviously the time to back off a little (delete a few characters, ease up on the groups, or the amount of characters within the groups).

I look at the organization of the file. How to replicate in such a way as to achieve maximum flexibility with the replication.

There will be a fair amount of editing to do. Feet on ground (esp. when walking on the road vs walking on the pavement (sidewalk)), avoiding people walking through each other or through objects / walls etc.

Poke through is inevitable. However the edit within the scene option is not available as these are NOT Daz characters, they are one object file each. Instead the shading domains within the editor comes to the rescue.