Carrara-izing Blender – Part 1
Thanks to JoeMamma2000 for a detailed yet easy-to-follow guide on how to adapt Blender, for a Carrara user. Besides the basics like the Graphical-User-Interface differences and tips and tricks, there are detailed descriptions of the different features and methods....
The fluid sim plugin for Carrara, FLUIDOS 1.4, updated 2018-01-08
The fluid simulation plugin for Carrara, FLUIDOS 1.4, is released now for both Windows 32&64bit and Mac since v1.4. A free christmas present by Alvin Bémar at ShareCG: https://www.sharecg.com/v/90155/view/9/Plug-in/Fluidos. Includes a detailed and updated manual,...
Genesis 3 in Carrara – Tutorial Series by Misty Lara
How I can use Genesis 3 in Carrara - Tutorial Series by Misty Lara >> CarrarActors Intro - Janette and Johnathon for Genesis 3 in Carrara << Required product see -> HERE ...
Carrara 8 – Soft Body by Andrej Skyline
Soft body in Carrara 8 - How to make a flag (by Andrej Skyline)
Plugin PolylineFollow by Sparrowhawke3D
Plugin "Polyline Follow" by Olivier Turbet (Plugin by Sparrowhawke3D)
Carrara Information Manual by Dartanbeck
Dartanbeck over at the Carrara section of the Daz3D forums has created a great thread that serves as an alternative Carrara 8.5 Manual. It includes up to date and sorted links to the video tutorials by Cripeman, details about animation, hair plugins and a lot more....
LuxusCore for Carrara plugin – Unofficial manual 2017-02-15
An unofficial CarraraCafe manual for the upcoming LuxusCore plugin for Carrara, that brings GPU accelerated rendering and realtime render preview into Carrara. It is updated frequently, so check back often. If you have any questions or something to add, check the end...
Character Rigging Tutorial Series (by Lance Brown)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
UV Mapping in Carrara 8.5
Keith Unitt-Jones "A quick look at UV mapping in Carrara."
Atmosphere Tutorial
Cripeman shows how to give your planet some atmosphere with a 3D Cloud, skipping textures altogether...