New shaders for Carrara by Ringo Monfort: DP Monique 6 & DP Darius 6 and freebie
The Carrara shader expert Ringo Monfort has been busy releasing Carrara shaders for Genesis 2 figures at a rapid pace. This time the brand new characters Darius and Monique are brought to life in Carrara. Check the screenshots below. Right now they are on sale at 30% off, but Ringo’s entire store is in the March Madness sale, so you can pick up some of the other shader sets at 50%.
March Madness 2015 details at DAZ3D.
Updated 20150302 with freebie.
Ringo Monfort has kindly provided a Render Stage for free, hosted here at CarraraCafe.
The download includes the free HDRI available from http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html and all their HDRI’s are free for non-commercial use, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
After unzipping all the files, load the *.car scene in Carrara and if you are asked to select the *.hdr file, do so from the same folder as the *.car was unzipped.
Here is an example render:
Screen capture of Monique 6 in Carrara with the freebie Render Stage:
Thank you Ringo for the freebie, looks great!