by 3drendero | Mar 17, 2013 | News
Tim Payne is back with an update of his previous item and on the release day an amazing 50% off with the March Madness sale.
Here are the details from Tim himself:
I’m getting back into content creation, and I’m really happy to finally be presenting Carrara Skies Lightdomes 2 – all the great features of the first volume, but with a much wider range of lighting colors. Whether you’re rendering alien worlds, ancient adventures, future dystopias, or portraits of your favorite characters, CSLD2 makes it really easy to get great lighting results.
Carrara Skies Lightdomes 2 includes two perfectly matched sets of light rigs – one for use with, and the other without, Carrara Skies Volume 2. Two sets of light rigs are necessary because an atmosphere dims and tints far away lights. Each light rig has three lightdome quality options so you can pick the ideal balance of speed and quality for your scene.
The colors of these lightdomes are far more natural than the Skylight GI produced by Carrara’s Realistic Sky, and with the light rigs’ bounce and ambient components you get results that look similar to Indirect Lighting, but in a fraction of the time.
For complex scenes, these lightdomes can render faster than comparable Skylight global illumination, and they use less memory too. They won’t always be faster – it really depends on what kind of objects and shaders are in the scene – but in many cases they will be.
Another really cool advantage of these lightdomes over conventional global illumination is that they produce specular reflections. The colors and intensities of the individual lights in the dome is controlled by the actual colors of the sky, and this provides a subtle and very realistic approximation of blurry environment reflections on shaders with high specularity. Renders won’t look flat like they so often do when rendered with IBL or HDRI.
Get it at:

by 3drendero | Mar 17, 2013 | News
Todays March Madness sale at is the biggest for Carrara yet. Not only is Carrara 8 Pro itself on sale for about 120$ for PC members, but also the stores of Tim Payne and Howie Farkes are half off when you get at least 2 items.
March Madness items change daily, so act quick:
Carrara 8 Pro:
Tim Payne’s store:
Howie Farkes store:
More March Madness deals:
These Forum thread are updated on a regular basis with Carrara items:

by 3drendero | Mar 14, 2013 | News
Our resident artist/vendor/administrator GKDantas has just released a new V4 Bikini texture set called JeansMania, with Carrara shader support.
Unlike other texture sets, you get support for Poser, Daz Studio and Carrara, with unique extra shaders for Carrara.
You need V4 and Basicwear for V4, both are included for free with Carrara 8 Pro (not sure about C8 non Pro).
More details at Renderosity:
A freebie single bikini set with Carrara shaders can be downloaded from here:

by 3drendero | Feb 25, 2013 | News

A CarraraCafe exclusive news piece, straight for Daz HQ in Utah.
It is the February news announcement that brings the release dates for both Carrara 8.5 and 9.
We will be releasing Carrara 8.5 by end of summer 2013, and are working on some plans to release 9.0 either Q4 or Q1 2014.
Carrara 8.5 will include:
– Support for up to Windows 8 and OSX 10.8
– DSON support
– Metadata support
– New animation tools (keyframe tool improvements, smoothing, keying every frame, etc.)
– Graph editor improvements
– Improvements to viewport avatars (Lights – spotlight, sun, moon, etc. Cameras – Conical, Isometric, etc.)
-JUST IN: Improved bullet simulation for soft bodies
Source: Steve Spencer, Director of Sales and Marketing at Daz3d.
More details in the Daz3D forums.
by 3drendero | Feb 25, 2013 | Carrara Plugins, News
UPDATED: Casual has released the first early version for Carrara export to Cycles:
Download and Tutorial:
Casual, the maker of the Daz Studio to Blender Cycles GPU rendering scripts called McjTeleBlender, has shown early script support for Carrara to Blender Cycles GPU rendering engine. While it may take several months for Casual to do something that is easy to use, it is possible to see preview can be done already now, more details in these threads:
Original scripts for Daz Studio:

by 3drendero | Feb 21, 2013 | News
CoolArtDude has just re-released the first, second and third set of his Carrara Latex shaders for FREE!
Previously sold at for 14,95$ each, but now they are gone from there after the store upgrade.
In the first set, you get 168 solid shaders and 168 transparent shaders,
The second set comes with 186+186 shaders and the third has 21+21 shaders.
Get them all right here at CarraraCafe:
/EDIT 20140202
Replaced with this download
Download re-added (2018/24/09) here >
Original forum thread with some more info:

by 3drendero | Feb 17, 2013 | News
A new section for CarraraCafe has been added, the Freepozitory, currently only a button link on the main page to the original forum post.It includes to most important links to the major freebie sites, like ShareCG, Renderosity and the old Daz3D Freepozitory, but the idea is to add new freebie links too.
ShareCG freebies for Carrara:[All]=on&attribute[2005][2489]=1&attribute[2017][-1]=1&attribute[2538][-1]=1&tdm=a&s=dd
Renderosity freebies for Carrara:
The original thread with a lot more links to freebies, please add more if something is missing: