by 3drendero | Jan 10, 2013 | News
The Carrara Forum at has an interesting thread about a proposal to make a community movie with Carrara. Right now it is open for story ideas and general brainstorming. Head over here to join the discussion and help out if you are interested:
The render by bigh shows one of the many idea being presented:

by 3drendero | Jan 9, 2013 | News
Fenric has been very busy lately and has managed to make three new plugins for Carrara and even a new store to buy them from at a very low price. There are also trial versions available. Here is the basic info about them, more data available at Fenrics site:
Layer Blending Mode Shader
This is a Carrara shader that provides Photoshop-like layer blending.
Enhanced Color Shaders
These are enhanced versions of the Color Balance and Color Merge shaders from the “Pose and Shading Tools 2″ package at DAZ. They take a sub-shader for control rather than using sliders.
Selection Changer
Change the current selection using your keyboard!
More info and how to buy the plugins here: here:
by 3drendero | Jan 9, 2013 | News
The amazing Fenric has just released a new free plugin for Carrara called: Insert Primitives.He is also running a contest right here in the CarraraCafe Forums with some secret prizes for the best renders using the new plugin, that allows access to 4 hidden primitives in Carrara:
Head over here to get the plugin:
Head over here to post your contest renders:
Here is my contest render:

by 3drendero | Jan 9, 2013 | Carrara Plugins, News
Both Architools and Baker have just been updated and Replica was updated to so long ago. Head over to to get the updates, no matter if bought at or at Some update info:
“Two updates available today: one for ArchiTools that fixes a bug with shading domains being multiplied; one for Baker that fill properly the alpha channel of normal and light maps.
ArchiTools latest update fixes some level related bugs (undeground levels, undo/redo).”
An example of what ArchiTools can do:

by 3drendero | Dec 28, 2012 | News
-DimesionTheory and HowieFarkes stores are 30% off
-Buy any item above and get 30% off Carrara 8
-Carrara 8 Pro is already 69% off at 171$, now it is as low as 120$
-BOG2: Buy items for 10$, get 20$ worth items for PC members, non-PC get 10$, working up to 200$.
For example, buy HowieFarkes Valla Alpina and Carrara 8 Pro for 140$ and get 280$ worth of items from
Newsletter link:
DimensionTheory store direct link:
HowieFarkes store direct link:
Carrara 8 store direct link:
Platinum Clud details:
Promotion image:

by 3drendero | Dec 21, 2012 | News
Another amazing nature scene by Howie Farkes is now available for purchase at
A 30% introduction sale price as usual. More details:
A spectacular and grand alpine valley with a dense evergreen forest on the lower slopes rising to snow capped peaks.
A clear river twists through a lush green meadow.
There are endless opportunities to render beautiful mountain backdrops in Valle Alpina.
More info, screenshots and to purchase, look here:
Some more behind the scenes details here:
The rest of Howie’s store is on 50% sale now, as a part of PA sale:

by 3drendero | Dec 15, 2012 | Tutorials
The following tutorial was originally posted on the old Daz3D site, but has been broken for some time.The most important file, the “Dyn to Morphs” Python script that does the job, is now available here, with the tutorial in PDF format:
Dynamic Poser clothing export script
Here is the original tutorial, with missing images and missing downloads:
Forum post with some details about Carrara 8.5 beta, by Argus1000:
All you have to do is animate the cloth on the figure in the cloth room and (very important) use the “dyn_to_morphs” Python script on the animated cloth.
Save the file as a PZ3, and open it in Carrara. Now that used to work right off the bat in Carrara 8, but now in Carrara 8.5 (maybe because it’s still a beta) you have to do a little work around. For some reason the figure that is imported is now out of shape; so I save the animation as an NLA , import a new figure from the browser, transfer the animated cloth from the old figure to the hip of the new figure, and then delete the old figure.
Tutorial on Poser Dynamic clothes:
If you have anything to add, comments, video clips or images, please post here:
Example image of dynamic Poser clothes for tutorial mentioned above: