Thanks to CarraraCafe, Carrara developers can again have access to the Carrara SDK! 🙂

In the turbulent transition to the new forum and new store at DAZ3D, the SDK
(Software Development Kit) for Carrara 8 went MIA (Missing in Action).
While things get sorted out at, those interested in making
new plugins for Carrara can find the SDK right here at CarraraCafe in
the Downloads and Utilities section.

The SDK includes 2 manuals covering over 250 pages and more than 20 examples.

Update (March 2020):

-Direct link to the Carrara 8.1 SDK ( – 52Mb file (link updated):

-Direct link to the Carrara 8.0 SDK ( – 52Mb file (link updated):

-Direct link to the Carrara Pro 7.0 SDK (7.0) – 30Mb file (link updated):

Update (April 2020):

Youtube tutorials for the Carrara 8 SDK and newer Visual Studio (and other Carrara tutorials too):

Direct link to the first Carrara 8 SDK tutorial:

Working links to older SDKs (updated – links not more active):

The free version of Visual Studio is available here, more info and downloads: