PySwarm for PyCarrara 0.6 was recently released (01-25-2014), among the many new functions and fixes, is the addition of several demo scenes to experiment with and learn from.
FractalDimensia also recently revealed the future plans for PySwarm at the DAZ 3D forum thread:

So here is the current order of future MAJOR enhancements (I’m leaving out other improvements):
1) Revised containment algorithm (V0.6.1)
2) Basic motion animation (V0.6.2)
3) Terrain following (V0.7)
4) More motion animation (V0.7.1)
5) Predator-Prey rule (V0.8)
With that said, I am willing to consider shifting priorities based on user needs. “First come, first serve.” If you have a need for a feature, and no one else is requesting something else, just let me know.  I’ll consider changing the order!

Further information can be found at the DAZ 3D forum thread, where FractalDimensia has an excellent startpage including details about installation, user guide, release notes and much more:
