© Disney/Pixar

© Disney/Pixar

Effective immediately, Pixar is announcing that the price of the current version of RenderMan is $495 per license for commercial use. A free non-commercial RenderMan will be available with the upcoming release of RenderMan scheduled in the timeframe of SIGGRAPH 2014. Pixar’s RenderMan® has been used for such classics as The Abyss, Terminator II, Jurassic Park, and Toy Story.

RenderMan products will also be combined, providing access to both the artist interface and the batch renderer for all users.

“Given the continually falling price of computing, trends point to studios and individual artists needing more and more rendering capacity. Reducing the cost of RenderMan makes it more cost effective to expand capacity and generate higher quality pixels. Pixar has established a new price point to specifically encourage accessibility and remove barriers to growth.”

With the upcoming release RenderMan will be free for non-commercial usage that does not involve direct use to generate profits. Renders may be published as long the images are not sold for profit. Examples of non-commercial use-cases include evaluations, personal learning, experimentation, research, and the development of tools and plug-ins for RenderMan.

The new RenderMan is being released in the timeframe of SIGGRAPH 2014 and will be compatible with the following 64-bit operating systems, Mac OS 10.8 and 10.7, Windows 8, 7, and Vista, and Linux.