by 3drendero | Jul 31, 2013 | Carrara Plugins, News
Zgock is back with a completely rewritten YAToon plugin for Carrara 8.x, still free but this time also open source.
Even a year long hospital visit could not keep zgock away from the keyboard and YAToon development.
– Improved Toon Painting
– Improved Line Drawing
Currently version 2.00 alpha 2 is available at:
Forum discussion at:
Test image of YAToon 2.0 alpha 1, no postwork.

by 3drendero | Apr 4, 2013 | Carrara Plugins, News
The bad news is that the YAToon site is offline, but the good news is that CarraraCafe mirrors all the versions of the freeware toon rendering plugin for Carrara, both for PC and Mac.
Also, the manual for Mimic Pro plugin for Carrara is now mirrored here, it got lost in the upgrade the the new DAZ 3D site.
Also, some watermarks have been added, when you want to show what software was used to render.
Thanks to Jay_NOLA for providing the files.
Get them all on the Downloads page right here: