Sparrowhawke 3D

Sparrowhawke 3D

Name: Jeremy I've used Carrara professionally for many years to produce photo-real product images, illustrations and animations.  It is the...



Name: Laurent I am a great fan of comics, mangas, drawing in general and 3D movies. I did my first comic strip when I was a young boy, I am still drawing...

Introducing Shader Ops 2

Hi folks, We've just released Shader Ops 2. Shader Ops 2 is a new plug-in collection with powerful new lighting and shading tools; Camera Mapping, Light Mangler, Space Mangler, Multi Ops, and more. Remix your shaders after the lighting is done with Light Mangler....

Survey: Reality for Carrara

Hi. Pret-a-3D is contemplating the development of Reality for Carrara. Since this would be our first plug-in for Carrara we don’t have past experiences to let us understand the size and response of this market. Please let us know your interest in this plug-in so...



Name: Frederic I am a hobbyist user of CG applications for several years, mostly because I am fascinated by Pixar's films ! After...

PyCloid new video PyCloid the awaited particle animation plugin for Carrara, from Frédéric Rible, got a new video, with new features: - Alignment of a geometry along the particle trajectory - Automatic motion of a camera attached to one...



Name: Ted I'm an Enterprise Software Architect, whose been programming since my Dad brought home a TRS-80 way back at the beginning of third grade... But I've...

Cloth Deformer updated to v0.0491

New version of the beta Cloth plugin from SparrowHawke3D is ready to test. You can grab it in the link below. Follow the discussion at Daz3D forum: [button link=""...